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Conversion Center

Categories : angle - area - bandwidth - bits and bytes - currency and market quotes - force - frequency and angular frequency - length - mass - numerals - prefix - speed - temperature - time - volume
Convert kilometer/day to mach (0 Celcius 1 atm)
Selected category: speed.
Definition and details for kilometer/day:
Kilometer per day is a unit of velocity equal to about 1.157 cm/sec.
Definition and details for mach (0 Celcius 1 atm):
Mach (M or Ma) is a relative speed unit, used to compare an aircraft's speed with the speed of the sound in the atmosphere. It was named "Mach" to honor the Austrian physicist Ernst Mach (1838-1916). But because sound speed value depends on the density and temperature of the air, sometimes mach is calculated at 0 ºC and a pressure of 1 atmosphere. Conversion center, here uses these initial conditions.

Swap kilometer/day - mach (0 Celcius 1 atm) values Swap, do a mach (0 Celcius 1 atm) to kilometer/day conversion.